
The exhibitor undertakes to observe these regulations, and will be liable for all damage caused by them or by people in their service, permanent or casual, who have been given access to the exhibition site by the exhibitor. Furthermore, the exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that they or people in their service, permanent or casual, are familiar with the contents of these regulations and that the construction and decoration of their stand and activities on it accord with official regulations and the organiser’s special requirements. Exact compliance with the instructions of the Norwegian authorities and the organiser is mandatory. Where necessary, Norway Exhibition & Convention Centre (hereafter NOVA Spektrum) has the right to connect to the building’s fixed installations on one exhibitor’s stand in order to deliver to neighbouring stands.
An application for exemption from those parts of the regulations where such exemption is possible must be submitted at least five weeks before the first setup day for the exhibition in question. This deadline is applied to provide enough time for dealing with the application and for notifying neighbouring stands. The title of a possible application must specify what the requested exemption involves.
Electricity, telecoms and data, water, compressed air and drainage can only be used on the stand belonging to the exhibitor who has ordered them. 

Organisers who stage events on the property of NOVA Spektrum are also bound by these regulations, and have the same duties towards NOVA Spektrum as those specified here for exhibitors in relation to NOVA Spektrum and the organiser. The disclaimer of liability by NOVA Spektrum towards exhibitors applies also to organisers. 

A free-standing site has four open sides. It is not permitted to cover more than 30 per cent of each open side of such a stand without the organiser’s consent. Stands with four open sides are not supplied with walls or facia girders by the organiser, but are to be constructed in their entirety by the exhibitor. A sketch of the proposed layout must be submitted to the organiser for approval before any construction work can begin. 

A shell stand has one, two or three open sides. It is not permitted to cover more than 30 per cent of each open side of such a stand without the organiser’s consent. These stands are supplied by the organiser with side and rear walls using the Foga system. The organiser will also install a standard facia girder measuring eight centimetres high and two centimetres thick. The above-mentioned walls and facia girder are mandatory and included in the stand fee. The wall height is 2.5 metres. Possible variations from this basic system will be specified in the application form with associated conditions. The exhibitor must be prepared for the possibility that neighbouring stands sharing a common boundary may build their walls right up to this line.

Decorations, texts and so forth must be attached in such a way that the organiser’s stand equipment is undamaged. Tape approved in advance by NOVA Spektrum may be used. All tape must be removed following the exhibition. Possible tape remnants will be removed at the exhibitor’s expense. No nails, staples or screws may be used on wall panels. Panels and aluminium profiles which have been notched, disfigured, marked and otherwise damaged in any way must be replaced by the exhibitor.

A great deal of special equipment can be provided together with the Foga system. See the product catalogue for details, or go to Additional information on the system can be obtained from NOVA Spektrum’s customer serviceexhibitor service department.

If an exhibitor with a shell stand wants it built with a system other than the one allocated, this must be notified in writing to the organiser at least one month before the opening of the exhibition. The entire cost of using of a system other than the one allocated must be borne by the exhibitor, and will not mean any reduction in the stand fee.

Please note the module dimensions (see the product catalogue).

The system used must not exceed the height specified in section 8.

Outdoor stands are constructed in their entirety by the exhibitor. Their location is marked out on the ground with a painted cross at each corner. The footing is asphalt or concrete. Drilling or digging in the ground is not permitted. 

A stand with two stories or a ceiling must be equipped with a sprinkler system for the area below the first floor/ceiling. Following a written application to the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum, permission can be granted on specified conditions to build two-storey/ceilinged stands. Technical calculations in the application must be prepared by a qualified consultancy approved by the Norwegian Association of Consulting Engineers (RIF). 

The maximum construction and decorating height for a stand is 2.5 metres. Upon application to its technical coordinator, NOVA Spektrum may grant permission to extend walls and decorations and to hang banners above this height. An application for such permission must include a plan of the stand with exact measurements and a specification of the construction materials to be used, as well as written consent from adjacent stands. The application must be received by NOVA Spektrum no later than five weeks before starting to move in. Sails, banners and decorations must accord with the DIN 4102 B1 standard (with regard to fire classification, flameproofing and dripping).

A request to suspend objects from the ceiling must be specially made via the order form submitted to NOVA Spektrum’s customer serviceexhibitor service department. Suspended loads can only be installed in the building’s permanent facilities by the organiser’s own regular approved contractor. Note that several attachment points may be required to achieve the desired position of the suspended item.

Suspended lights, studio and stage rigs
All equipment suspended from the ceiling must be approved pursuant to prevailing Norwegian law and statutory regulations. The equipment must observe the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s machinery regulations (order no 522) and its regulations on the use of machinery (order no 555). The exhibitor must be able to produce documentation and/or certificates which confirm approval for the present year. Equipment not covered by such documentation may not be used on NOVA Spektrum’s premises. See also section 8 (Building and decoration heights, sails and banners).

An exhibitor wishing to display objects standing more than 2.5 metres high must contact the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum in good time before the exhibition in order to position them appropriately in relation to neighbouring stands. NOVA Spektrum is under no obligation to approve the display of objects which stand more than 2.5 metres high. 

Building or placing stands or exhibition materials outside the allocated stand area is not permitted. 

The floor of the exhibition halls is concrete. It may be covered with boards, carpeting, linoleum and so forth, but it is forbidden to glue such covering in place or to paint the floor. Use of tape must be approved by NOVA Spektrum in advance. Any tape on the floor must be removed by the exhibitor before the end of the disassembly period. Bolting machinery or decorations to the floor, the walls, pillars or the ceiling is not permitted. The floor in some parts of Hall D is not level. 

The maximum permitted floor load in the halls is:

A1, B and C 2 000 kg/m2

D1 1 500 kg/m2

A2 800 kg/m2

D2 750 kg/m2

F (main promenade): 500 g/m2

If larger loads are required, a written application must be submitted to the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum in good time before the exhibition. All costs relating to required reinforcement must be borne by the exhibitor. NOVA Spektrum and the organiser reserve the right to refuse entry to particularly heavy exhibits.

Please note that the floor in Hall D can be uneven. Should the exhibitor wish to lay flooring over its whole stand area which covers access to connection pits in the underlying floor, a written application for permission must be submitted to the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum by the deadline specified in section 1 above.

Changes to fixtures and fittings in the walls are strictly forbidden. Nothing may be bolted to floors, walls, pillars or ceilings. Extreme care must be exercised when delivering or removing commodities. The floors must be protected from dripping oil, chemicals, paint and so forth. Any damage caused by the exhibitor to the halls or to the centre’s fixtures, and which has not been repaired at the end of the disassembly period, will be repaired at the exhibitor’s expense.

Should the stand incorporate high podiums, structures carrying heavy objects or the like, advance approval must be obtained from the building authorities or from a qualified consultant belonging to the RIF. The exhibitor is responsible for submitting an application, and must send a full copy of this to the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum. The documentation must be available on the stand at all times, and be presented to the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum on request.

Relevant provisions in the fire service regulations relating to stands, pavilions and decorations in the exhibition centre are listed below.

1. Flammable temporary furnishing, decorations and carpets must be fireproofed.

2. Easily ignitable and combustible materials must not be stored or used on the premises without the express permission of NOVA Spektrum.

3. Self-ignitable waste must be stored only in places approved by NOVA Spektrum (red waste container with lid, placed outside the Number 1 gates).

4. Smoking and the use of fire or naked flames on the premises is forbidden. Fabrics stretched directly on the walls must be fireproofed in accordance with the DIN 4102 B1 standard. The use of straw, polystyrene, paper, cardboard, sacking or other easily ignitable decorative materials is not permitted without the express permission of NOVA Spektrum.

In the event of any doubts about the interpretation of these regulations, the exhibitor – to avoid the risk that the fire service will demand the removal of materials – must contact the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum.

PETROL: It is forbidden to store petrol in the exhibition area. Petrol tanks must be either full or empty. Exhibitors must specifically notify the organiser if cars, motorbikes or the like are to feature on the stand.

FIRE DECLARATION: The fire service requires a signed declaration from each exhibitor/stand concerning observance of the fire regulations. Including the exhibition title, the exhibitor’s name and the stand number, this declaration must be sent to NOVA Spektrum in good time before assembly starts.

SPRINKLER SYSTEM: No equipment of any kind must be attached to or hung from the sprinkler system.

EMERGENCY EXITS: Blocking emergency exits is prohibited.

EVACUATION ROUTES: Evacuation routes must not be blocked. No posters or similar materials which might prevent people from seeing emergency exit signs or which might fall down in the event of fire may be hung in evacuation routes.

FIREPOINTS: Firepoints must be easily accessible and visible. Covering or blocking these points is prohibited. Firepoints can include fire hoses, manual extinguishers or fire alarms. Fire hoses cannot be used by an exhibitor without written approval from the technical coordinator.

SMOKING: Smoking is banned in the exhibition halls. The fire risk is high in the exhibition halls during both assembly and exhibition periods, and the use of fire in any form is prohibited. HOT WORK: Work must not begin until written authorisation has been issued by the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum. Welding sparks can ignite fires at a distance of 10 metres, and even cold sparks can have a temperature of more than 500°C.

FIRE ALARMS (BM) AND FIRE HOSES: Must not be blocked. They are shown on the stand drawing.

Bringing pressurised containers for category 1 and 2 gases (such as liquefied petroleum gases – propane, butane or mixtures of these – hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, biogas or acetylene) into the halls is prohibited.

Small containers of butane/propane for sale from the stand (must not be ignited) can be stored in the exhibition centre during opening hours (in moderate quantities which the exhibitor is able to remove physically in the event of a fire alarm). Should a fire alarm sound, the exhibitor is duty-bound to ensure that the gas containers are removed from the exhibition centre.

When the exhibition closes for the day, the exhibitor must ensure that the gas container(s) are removed from the building. An outdoor lockable wire cage is available to exhibitors between halls B and C for storage of gas containers.

Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that all fabrics stretched directly on partition walls or hanging free have been fireproofed in accordance with the Regulations. Any fabrics to be hung up must accord with the DIN 4102 B1 standard. Exhibitors are duty bound to inform their decorators and other sub-contractors about the applicable fire regulations and to ensure that these are observed. Documentation must be available on the stand.

Storage of weapons and ammunition on stands must be reported to the Romerike police district, Postuttak, NO-2001 Lillestrøm, and approved by the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum.

Assembly and disassembly dates (see list of deadlines) must be strictly observed in order to avoid delaying the exhibition or other events. If the stated assembly and disassembly dates are exceeded, the exhibitor must pay the increased costs and/or for any damage which might be caused. At the end of the disassembly period, the halls will be cleared. Any belongings left behind by an exhibitor will be taken away and stored by the organiser’s forwarding agent at the exhibitor’s expense and risk. NOVA Spektrum has the right to retain belongings left behind by the exhibitor as security for claims against the exhibitor in connection with the exhibition.

Badges for assembly/disassembly personnel and exhibitor staff will be sent separately to each exhibitor. Exhibitors are responsible for further distribution of these badges to those engaged in the construction, assembly and decoration of their own stand, and to their stand staff. During assembly and disassembly, personnel working on stands must present their admission badges at the entrance to the exhibition area without being asked. Exhibitor badges, which also serve as identification, must be filled in to be valid. Transferring badges to other persons is prohibited.

For safety reasons, no children under the age of 16 are allowed in the exhibition building or between Halls B and C during the assembly/disassembly periods.

22.  NORWEGIAN LABOUR INSPECTION AUTHORITY/WORK AT A HEIGHT Regulations issued by the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority on the use of chemicals, machines and tools, including provisions relating to dust and noise, must be observed during both the assembly period and the exhibition. Electric saws, grinders and so forth can only be used with a dust collector/vacuum. When working at a height, the area beneath must be safeguarded either by posting guards or by erecting barriers.

No driving of cars is permitted inside the exhibition halls without special permission. It is extremely important that everyone observes the delivery times specified by the organiser. Assistance from cranes, forklift trucks or other unloading equipment must be ordered on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form or from the exhibition centre’s regular forwarding agent. Only the organiser’s own forwarding agent is allowed to use motorised transport equipment in the exhibition halls.

Exhibitors must basically make their own arrangements for all transport, assembly, disassembly, storage, packing and removal of their own goods, equipment and decorations. All goods sent to the exhibitor must be clearly labelled with the name of the recipient and the exhibition as well as the stand number. The street address of the exhibition centre is Messeveien 14, NO-2004 Lillestrøm, Norway.

All exhibitor goods which require assistance for positioning on the stand must be shipped to arrive in good time. All shipments must be addressed to the exhibition’s forwarding agent (NOVA Spektrum Logistics, tel: +47 40 00 02 67, from 08.00-16.00 Monday to Friday), who has the sole right to provide motorised transport in the exhibition halls. Exhibitors requiring forklift or crane assistance must order such services on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form or from the exhibition centre’s regular contractor.

  • Advance notice, giving details of:
  • method of shipment
  • estimated date of arrival
  • number of packages
  • weight

Must be sent to the exhibition’s forwarding agent as soon as possible. The forwarding agent will deliver the packages to the stand. To ensure rapid forwarding of goods, it is important that all packages are marked with the name of the exhibitor as well as hall and stand numbers. The forwarding agent reports that savings can be made by exhibitors if they use the ATA carnet when shipping goods liable to customs duty. Exhibitors thereby avoid the need to deposit duty and greatly simplify customs clearance. The Chamber of Commerce at the place of origin will issue an ATA carnet and can provide full information on regulations for its use.

 Freight documents for goods which are to remain in the country must be accompanied by two copies of the invoice, possibly with a commodity certificate. The invoice should specify identification marks, number of packages, type of commodity (preferably using number(s) in the Brussels nomenclature), net and gross weight, and the value of each type of commodity.

B. Goods to be returned to the country of origin must be accompanied by freight documents and four copies of a pro forma invoice containing the same information specified in
paragraph A.

C. The exhibitor (or their local agent) must themselves provide the necessary guarantee to the customs authorities for goods which have not been returned or cleared through customs within one week (eight days) from the end of the exhibition, since the guarantee provided by the organiser’s forwarding agent will no longer be valid from that date. No exhibited items may be removed from the exhibition area without the permission of the customs authorities.

Storage of packaging materials for exhibitors unable to store their own materials may be ordered from the organiser’s forwarding agent. Such storage is prohibited in the exhibition halls. Special labels for identifying empty packaging materials being stored may be obtained from the forwarding agent or the Exhibitor Service.

Out of consideration to visitors, any deliveries to the stand during the exhibition period must be made before the exhibition opens. Removing exhibits or decorations from the area during the exhibition period (from the opening of the exhibition until disassembly can begin – see list of deadline dates) is prohibited.

The organiser provides normal security cover from the start of assembly to the end of disassembly, but accepts no legal liability for damage to or loss of exhibited goods and equipment or to the person or property of the exhibitors or third parties. Exhibitors must ensure all necessary insurance cover for damage to their own goods, and for possible liability in respect of injury to third parties or damage to their property, including the property of NOVA Spektrum. Possible claims for compensation against NOVA Spektrum must be made immediately, and no later than the end of the exhibition. In any event, NOVA Spektrum accepts no liability the exhibitor’s possible indirect losses. The exhibitor is responsible for the cost of deliveries to the stand, regardless of whether such deliveries have been ordered by the exhibitor or by the exhibitor’s contractor.

Cleaning of public corridors indoors and out, as well as normal daily stand cleaning, is provided by the organiser. However, stands will not be cleaned at certain events, as specified in the application form with conditions for the specific event. Daily cleaning includes vacuuming the floor as well as emptying wastepaper baskets. Additional work (such as cleaning models and showcases or emptying waste baskets or water tanks during opening hours) must be booked on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form. When the exhibition has ended, the exhibitor must disassemble and clear their own stand. Waste is placed in special containers positioned at various points in the halls. The exhibitor must ensure the removal of all discarded stand materials, including fitted carpets. Refuse containers, pallets and/or trailers for this purpose can be ordered from the organiser’s own cleaning company (tel: +47 66 93 91 94) or the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum. This service will be billed by NOVA Spektrum.

The distribution voltage is 3 x 400 volts TNC-S/50Hz, which means available voltages are three-phase 400V and one-phase 230V. No emergency generators or uninterruptible power supplies are available in the event of power cuts. Outside the exhibition’s ordinary opening hours, the power supply to each stand is usually disconnected. If a continuous power supply is required, this must be specified on the order form. Electricity is delivered as a provisional outlet in accordance with the requirements specified in the order form.

Areas used for exhibitions and other activities of limited duration are subject to the Norwegian regulations on low-voltage electrical installations (FEL) of 6 November 1998, with associated guidelines. These provide that all reportable installation work must be carried out by an authorised electrical contractor. The authorised electrical contractor for the exhibition centre is normally the exhibition’s regular contractor. Should another authorised contractor be utilised, the electrician(s) working on the installation must be employed by the company concerned. The exhibitor must be able to document this on request. Non-Norwegian or other electricians cannot do installation work unless they are employed by a contractor licensed to carry out electrical work in Norway.

Prefabricated equipment or plant which the exhibitor brings with them and wishes to connect to the power supply must satisfy the regulations in force for the area where the connection is required. Equipment connected must satisfy the European EMC directive and be CE-labelled. Using and operating equipment are also subject to Norway’s internal control regulations.

Before electrical equipment on the individual stand is taken into use, it must be logged and checked for faults and defects by the exhibitor. Such inspection can be carried out to order by the exhibition’s regular contractor, at an extra charge. Standard forms for ordering such inspection can be obtained from NOVA Spektrum’s customer serviceexhibitor service department.

A special booklet covering frequently-asked questions about ordering power supply has been prepared. This also covers the correct use of equipment and common faults and deficiencies found in exhibitor equipment. The booklet can be obtained from NOVA Spektrum’s customer serviceexhibitor service centre.

Water and drainage to and from the stands must be ordered on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form. The cost of necessary installation work must be paid by the exhibitor. Connecting to the exhibition’s own facilities and laying pipes to the stands can only be done by the exhibition’s regular plumber. Specifying on the stand application that water and drainage are required is not an order – only a guideline for the organiser. Pouring illegal substances (such as glycol, oil and so forth) into the drainage system is prohibited.

A supply of compressed air can be ordered on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form. Exhibitors cannot use their own compressors without first obtaining written permission in advance from the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum. Connection to the exhibition’s fixed facilities and laying of pipelines to the stand can only be carried out by the exhibition’s regular plumber.

Telecommunications and computer services as well as TV connections are available in the exhibition halls and are ordered on the customer serviceexhibitor service department’s order form (TV connection, broadband lines, Wi-Fi and internet connection). Specifying on the application form that such services are required will not be sufficient. Prices for installation and removal as well as for line rental are quoted in the price list. NOVA Spektrum accepts no liability to protect the exhibitor against computer viruses and the like. The exhibitor must accordingly take their own precautions to protect possible computer equipment against such threats in connection with the exhibition.

Installing a private wireless network on a stand/in the exhibition hall could disrupt NOVA Spektrum’s wireless network in the halls, and advance approval must accordingly be obtained in each case. Wireless networks established without permission from NOVA Spektrum will have their computer line(s) disconnected without warning, and possible losses incurred by other exhibitors or NOVA Spektrum will be charged to the exhibitor responsible.

Section 45b of the Norwegian Copyright Act imposes an obligation with effect from 1 July 2001 to pay a fee to musicians/performers and record companies when their work is performed in public. This relates to the playing of CDs, radios, TVs, MP3 files and so forth in, for instance, exhibition halls and on stands. Should recorded music be used in the halls or on a stand, a fee must be paid for the period such music is played. Gramo is the Norwegian joint collection society for performing artists and producers. To obtain an agreement with Gramo, either contact NOVA Spektrum’s customer serviceexhibitor service department or download the agreement from A signed agreement can be sent to Gramo by mail or by fax at +47 22 00 77 78. For further information on Gramo and the liability to pay a fee, call the society directly on +47 22 00 77 97.

Plans to show slides and films, play sound recordings, perform live music/entertainment, run machinery, distribute food samples or hold demonstrations/auctions which are liable to collect a large crowd must be notified to the organiser. They will be permitted only if neighbouring stands are not obstructed or disturbed, and on condition that ordinary safety measures and any official regulations are observed. Possible complaints must be directed to the organiser, who has the final say on what is permitted. The stand must be designed to provide space for an audience inside it. Should gatherings obstruct free passage in the corridors/evacuation routes, NOVA Spektrum reserves the right to halt or impose time limits on demonstrations and the like. The use of stands to promote views which fall outside the purpose of the exhibition is prohibited. The use of amplifiers or normal microphones must be approved by the organiser in advance. Projected material must only be shown on the exhibitor’s own stand. Posters may not be put up outside the exhibitor’s own stand. Brochures or other advertising materials can only be distributed on the exhibitor’s own stand.

Distributing food samples or preparing food on the stand is subject to the approval of the Romerike district office of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (tel: +47 63 94 28 00) and the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum. To obtain permission, exhibitors must submit the standard report form to the Food Safety Authority at [email protected]. The form for short-term sale of food (available in Norwegian only) can be downloaded from A copy of the confirmed report must be available on the stand.

The sale of food and/or beverages for immediate consumption is not permitted without written permission from the technical coordinator at NOVA Spektrum.

Exhibitors are not permitted to serve alcohol at exhibitions in NOVA Spektrum’s premises. Exhibitors at trade fairs closed to the general public can apply to NOVA Spektrum for a licence to serve alcoholic beverages on their stand. Application for serving alcohol on the stand.

41. PETS
For the protection of people with allergic reactions, no pets may be brought into the exhibition centre.

Exhibitors and guests/visitors are not permitted to take photographs of any stand at the exhibition without obtaining permission in advance from the relevant exhibitor. NOVA Spektrum and the organiser are entitled to photograph and to make sound recordings and/or shoot films of stands, products, messages, presentations, people or other objects representing the exhibitor or which the exhibitors displays during the exhibition. NOVA Spektrum and the organiser are entitled to make free use of photographs and recordings as mentioned above in their own marketing, information materials and so forth.

Circumstances that NOVA Spektrum and the event organisers do not control themselves, such as disruptions to the supply of electricity, water, heat, cooling, telecommunication and data lines, etc., as well as situations that can be described as force majeure (including, but not limited to, war, strikes, a lockout, fire, bomb threats, natural disasters, disease, including the ongoing Coronavirus situation, and other circumstances beyond NOVA Spektrum’s control) do not entitle the exhibitor to claim compensation, reimbursement of stand rent, equipment rent, or the like.