This information is intended as a guide for you who need to import and declare goods in connection with exhibitions and other events at NOVA Spektrum. Please do not hesitate to contact us (+47 40 00 02 67) if you have any questions or need practical assistance.

Every year we create and facilitate a number of exhibitions and events with exhibitors from abroad, or with exhibitors who need to import goods to be used at events. The individual exhibitor is oneself responsible for following the regulations that apply in this area.

For those who need to import goods intended for sale or distribution

If you need to import goods for sale, distribution or consumption at our exhibitions and events, we recommend that you read through the Customs import guide for beginners. This serves as a good guide that provides answers to most questions. Through the guide, it is clarified that goods that are not to be returned in unchanged condition must be cleared by customs. In connection with imports, VAT and any customs duties are charged. Details related to this can be found on the website of the Norwegian Customs Authority.

If you need assistance in connection with import and declaration of goods for use at fairs and events, we are happy to help you. See contact details for NOVA Spektrum Logistics further below.

For those who need temporary importation of goods

Many of our exhibitors need to bring in samples, demo products, advertising/profile material or the like from abroad for use at their own stand. If these goods are to be returned abroad after use at the event, we recommend using a temporary customs declaration.

By using a so-called ATA carnet, which is stamped at the border and replaces the customs declaration, it is possible to save both time and money in connection with import of goods to Norway for exhibitions and events. This is also the preferred document and can be used for everything to be returned in unchanged condition.

This means that the ATA carnet can be used in connection with temporary customs declaration of, for example, advertising material, product samples or other material intended for use at the event before it is transported back to a location outside Norway’s borders.

The ATA carnet normally takes two weeks to be issued and is issued in the sending country. This also means that, if a Norwegian exhibitor is to borrow something from abroad, it is the consignor that must obtain the ATA carnet.

Temporary imports can either be made to the exhibitor’s account if they are Norwegian or – by agreement – against NOVA Spektrum’s account. We remind you that, in connection with temporary importation, one should always remember to state that it is a temporary shipment and that it shall be returned after the event is over.

You can find good information about the scheme for use of a temporary customs declaration (ATA carnet) at the website for Oslo Chamber of Commerce.

We are happy to help – get in touch!

Contact NOVA Spektrum Logistics for help and assistance in connection with your needs regarding import and declaration of goods. We are here to help you!

NOVA Spektrum Logistics
Tlf: +47 40 00 02 67
E-post:[email protected]