Norges Varemesse AS has changed the name to NOVA Spektrum AS

To our customers, suppliers, and partners

The new name was launched in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Norway Trade Fairs Foundation and reflects that the trade fair offers a wide range of services, experiences and meeting places.

Our old name no longer covers the scope of our offerings. Trade fairs are an important part of our business, but we also offer a broad range of other meeting places and services. We will do even more of this in the future, including both large and small events, food, accommodation, culture, and various experiences. We now have a name that reflects our development, and which covers the breadth of our offerings.

Nova means bright star, while spectrum indicates a wide variety. The name is a promise to our guests and our hometown, Lillestrøm. We will do even more to fulfil our purpose, which is to offer meeting places that contribute to the growth and development of companies, organizations and cultural life. In addition, we will create greater ripple effects in the form of orders to stakeholders in the local area, and attracting even more visitors.

For our customers, suppliers and partners, this will have no practical consequence other than that our name is now NOVA Spektrum AS. All other key information remains the same:

Billing address:
NOVA Spektrum AS, PO Box 75, NO-2001 Lillestrøm, Norway
The organisation number is unchanged: 921 291 930 MVA
E-mail: [email protected] if EHF is not possible

All invoices must be marked with a reference, i.e. customer name, if they are to be processed.

Street/delivery address:
NOVA Spektrum AS, Messeveien 8, NO-2004 Lillestrøm, Norway

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